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Question about when CSS props are set

flysi3000 test
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Go to solution Solved by Dipscom,

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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I have a sequence of functions (frame1(), frame2(), frame3(), etc.), that each return a timeline instance, which I then string together in a master timeline. All is good, for the most part, except that in the last frame(), I use .set() to move a div up by 35px in y. For some reason, that position change is happening when the master timeline first starts, as demonstrated in this pen: 

See the Pen epdmee by flysi3000 (@flysi3000) on CodePen


So, in this example, the image should start out at y = 0, and then at at the end of the animation, be set to y = -35, then slide in.


By the way, the image is clipped via the css clip-path property, and I am changing that clipping path's height to reveal more of the image in frame2().


Any idea why that's happening?

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What is happening you have explained quite well.


The .set() is being triggered right at the start of the master timeline.


As to why I can only speculate. What I see the reason being is because .set() is a 0 time event, there is nothing to use as a reference point when calculating its position. So, it happens instantly. However, if you tweak your code to have something happen before it or have set happen a second into the timeline, then, there is something to reference and you get the behaviour you were expecting.


I didn't fork anything because I am lazy but just add, 0.1 at the end of your .set() and you'll see pretty kitty's eyes.


You will have to ask the ALMIGHTIES for a more real reason why it happens. I can only offer what I think is happening. If you multiply anything by zero, you get zero.

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What is happening you have explained quite well.


The .set() is being triggered right at the start of the master timeline.


As to why I can only speculate. What I see the reason being is because .set() is a 0 time event, there is nothing to use as a reference point when calculating its position. So, it happens instantly. However, if you tweak your code to have something happen before it or have set happen a second into the timeline, then, there is something to reference and you get the behaviour you were expecting.


I didn't fork anything because I am lazy but just add, 0.1 at the end of your .set() and you'll see pretty kitty's eyes.


You will have to ask the ALMIGHTIES for a more real reason why it happens. I can only offer what I think is happening. If you multiply anything by zero, you get zero.


Amazing! Your theory works for me - let's go with that. Thanks for the suggestion!

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