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DivisionBoy test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Your animation does play after 3 seconds. 


I really can't follow how the delayed calls are supposed to add() your animations to the timeline again or why you are doing that. I assume you are just experimenting.


I think the core problem is that you are creating a series of tweens that repeat infinitely and you are trying to add them to the same timeline, in sequence.

Keep in mind that every time you add() a new tween, it goes at the end of the timeline. If the first tween repeats forever, the timeline will never end (well at least not for 30,000 years) and thus the next tween does not appear to animate. 


I think you probably want to add all the tweens at a time of 0. 


I ripped out a whole bunch of code just so you could see it working:


//add add tweems at time of 0
    main.add(root_car, 0);
    main.add(wheel, 0);
    main.add(bgEarth, 0);
    main.add(bgSky, 0);
    main.add(shield, 0);





I think for the other frames of the animation (with text), you will want to create timelines for those and then add them to main at a specific time, like at 3 seconds. 

main.add(textFrame, 3);

Hopefully that helps a little. 

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