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New: Advanced tutorial: CubeDial, a 3D Carousel made with GSAP

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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Just want to bring your attention to a new post that we launched on creating a sweet 3D Carousel called the "CubeDial" which uses Draggable, ThrowProps and the wondrous null Object / proxy. 




It was written by Chris Gannon, who is a friend of ours and diehard GSAP user.

It covers a lot of helpful topics / techniques and has some great demos that you can scrape some ideas from.


Check it out. 







  • Like 2

Looks amazing!!


;-( i'm just a beginner...and one day, i will get it, hopefully..


Is it possible to copy the .js into adobe Edge and fill the objects with an image?

when i see the html, is empty and the css...is almost nothing...


I've tried to copy it into edge...but without changes it won't work...maybe i've to adjust little things?


Very cool 6 sided cube faux, for a 4 sided cube.. i'm digging it :)


Hi Cartamundi,


Sorry, I really don't know how you would convert all that to Edge. The issue is that all the elements are created with JavaScript, so there really isn't anything that

you can interact with in Edge.


I would suggest you look at Chris' CodeCanyon files that are all all Edge projects. They will give you the perfect picture of how these things are set up.

These 2 are very similar to the CubeDial





And just so you know, he is planning on releasing a more feature-packed version of CubeDial (what you saw in the tutorial) on CodeCanyon as an Edge template (with pretty imagery and text animation effects).

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  • 4 weeks later...



The cube looks amazing! Thanks for this tutorial!


But i noticed that when u spin the cube 2 times or so by dragging. (keep spinning the cube really fast until it happens) Some of the faces start to disappear. And they pop back up on complete of the tween. i've tested it in Chrome. I've console logged the faces opacity and zindex in the onCubeDrag(). At the point they disappear the values are negative. So i think that's the problem. Somehow i just don't understand the var destZIndex calculation enough to solve it. Is there any solution to this problem?





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