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SwfLoader on TestFlight Beta Testing IOS

BunbunManju test
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I have a very weird problem here. I am using swfloader in flash builder 4.7 for my adobe air app and it is working fine on air 16 with IOS 8 device when I debug it on the device itself. The thing is when I export it for TestFlight Beta Testing in IOS, it would not load at all.


Can anyone help me with this???

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Sorry to hear about your troubles. We do not have any experience with TestFlight Beta, but perhaps one of our community members does. 

I'm glad to hear that your app is working fine in its normal iOS8 environment. Unfortunately, it just isn't at all feasible for us to troubleshoot these third-party emulators. 

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Because Apple rejected my app for saying that there is a blank screen when my app login, but when I tested on my tablet by running or debugging on my ipad, there was no blank screen at all, that is why I am testing on TestFlight Beta Testing. And still there is no black screen, but then this time... Swfloader would not load anymore :( . Please can anyone please tell me anything about it. My deadline is coming up T.T

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Not sure what to tell you. We do not have experience with TestFlight nor do we use Flash to produce apps for iOS.

Since you are tight on time, at the very least you should try to replace SWFLoader with a regular AS3 Loader and see if you can reproduce the issue.

If the AS3 Loader works, go with it. If it does not work, it will very clearly point to a problem in the AIR compiler or Test Flight.


Also try posting in a forum dedicated to AIR where people have more experience building AIR apps that load external assets. 


Again, sorry to hear of your troubles. 

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